A New Orleans Whiplash Lawyer Who Understands Your Pain

Many people may experience whiplash after a car accident. Whiplash is an injury to the head and neck that results from a violent jerking of the head. People are most commonly afflicted by whiplash after being rear-ended. It can also be caused by physical violence or sports-related injuries. Whiplash is a serious injury that can have long-lasting symptoms. Those symptoms often will not present themselves immediately, and may not surface until up to 24 hours after the accident. In some rare cases, symptoms may take longer to arise. The condition can be debilitating, and you may need a New Orleans whiplash lawyer to help you pursue compensation.

Driver experiencing whiplashSymptoms of Whiplash

Symptoms of whiplash can be wide-ranging and may vary for different people and depending on the severity of the injury. They may include but are not limited to:

  • Neck pain or stiffness
  • Pain when moving the neck or limited mobility
  • Headaches
  • Pain in the shoulders, back or arms
  • Tingling in the arms
  • Dizzy spells
  • Feeling more tired than usual

Other symptoms may include:

  • Blurry vison
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Trouble sleeping or concentrating
  • Irritability
  • Trouble remembering
  • Depression

 If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of whiplash following a car accident, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. In some cases, whiplash may accompany more severe injuries like damaged bones or ligaments.

Even if you do not feel like you were injured in a car accident, it is advisable to get checked out by a doctor anyways. Some car accident injuries may not present themselves immediately. 

How To Treat Whiplash

Doctors typically treat whiplash with pain relief and rest and recovery. In more severe cases, doctors may recommend physical therapy.

Other treatments may include:

  • Massage
  • Chiropractor care
  • Wearing a neck brace
  • Pain medication
  • Injections to reduce pain and promote tissue healing

If you are experiencing symptoms of whiplash, you can take some steps at home to alleviate pain:

  • Apply ice to the affected area in the first 24 hours only
  • Use soothing ointment to alleviate pain
  • Use over the counter pain reducers like ibuprofen or aspirin
  • Avoid physically demanding activities

In most cases, the symptoms of whiplash will deteriorate over time. However, in some cases, individuals may experience more long-lasting effects resulting from their injury. This is known as whiplash-associated disorder, or WAD.

If your whiplash-related injuries do not subside after a substantial period of time, contact your doctor for further advice and treatment and be sure to consult with a New Orleans whiplash lawyer.

 Our New Orleans Whiplash Lawyer Explains Your Potential Personal Injury Case

People that have been affected by whiplash after a traffic accident, may be entitled to financial compensation for their injuries if they talk too a New Orleans whiplash lawyer as soon as they are well enough to do so.

Proving whiplash in a personal injury claim can be somewhat difficult, since it is not a readily apparent injury. It does not show up in X-rays, like a broken bone would for example.

Proving whiplash in a personal injury case relies on thorough documentation. That means, documentation of the accident itself as well as medical documentation.

First responders to the car accident will create a report of the incident. Police reports, witness testimonies, and your own testimony can be valuable evidence in a personal injury case.

Additionally, it is important to visit a doctor after being in a car accident, and to request a copy of your medical records. Your doctor’s report can be used to support your personal injury claim.

An experienced personal injury attorney is an invaluable asset to your claim. They will have dealt with whiplash injuries before, and can help gather evidence and construct a case to prove your injuries.

If You Experience Back or Neck Pain After Accident, Talk to a New Orleans Whiplash Lawyer Today

If you have been involved in a car accident or other injury and are experiencing the symptoms of whiplash, contact Bloom Legal today.

We will assess your personal injury case for free. We can help get you in to see a doctor if you have not already, and advise you on the right steps to take. Our investigators will gather evidence and build an airtight case.

We have been helping folks in the greater New Orleans area for a decade and a half. We work hard to make sure all of our clients get the full treatment they need for their injuries, and the full compensation they deserve.

With Bloom Legal, you can focus on what’s most important—getting healthy. We’ll take care of the rest.


Available 24/7 for immediate help. Call: 504-599-9997

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