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Motorcyclists Have More at Stake after a New Orleans Motorcycle Accident

There are obvious differences between cars and trucks and motorcycles. Cars and trucks have doors and more wheels, of course. In a car or behind the wheel of a semi, you don’t get the wind in your hair and exhilaration that bikers experience on their rides. But the differences between vehicles and motorcycles extend beyond the obvious.

When bikers are involved in accidents, the injuries can be much more severe than in car wrecks, even with helmets and other safety gear. When bikers seek compensation for their injuries in motorcycle accident lawsuits, they can face challenges that drivers don’t. If you have suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident in New Orleans, it is important you retain a New Orleans motorcycle accident lawyer who understands these differences and knows how to overcome the unique issues involved in recovering compensation for injured bikers.

Bikers Face Greater Risk of Injury and Death

The cold, hard truth for bikers is that every time they hit the road, they are putting themselves at significantly greater risk of death than the vehicle drivers they share the road with. In fact, per mile traveled in 2015, bikers were 29 times more likely to die in an accident than drivers were, according to federal government statistics.

Even though motorcycles make up just about 3% of all registered vehicles nationwide, bikers made up more than 13% of all traffic fatalities in 2016, with almost 5,000 bikers killed in that year alone. In Louisiana, 1,385 people were injured or killed in motorcycle accidents in 2017, according to a report by Louisiana State University.

The reasons behind such high injury and fatality rates are not hard to fathom. Unlike drivers, bikers are vulnerable and exposed, lacking either the vehicle, safety belts, and airbags that surround drivers. When bikers make an impact with another vehicle or lose control of their motorcycle, they are likely to be thrown from their bike, further compounding the likelihood of a serious injury.

While helmets should always be worn, are required by Louisiana law, and can significantly reduce your chances of traumatic brain injury in a crash, they are hardly a guarantee that you will survive an accident. According to the National Highway Safety Transportation Administration (NHTSA), 80 of the 94 bikers killed in Louisiana accidents in 2016 were wearing helmets.

Different Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Speeding and driving under the influence are crash and injury-causing factors which afflict drivers and bikers alike, though alcohol plays a role in a greater percentage of motorcycle accidents than it does for car accidents. 26% of fatally injured motorcycle drivers in 2016 had a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at or above 0.08 percent, and alcohol was involved in 37% of fatal single-vehicle motorcycle crashes according to the NHTSA.

But factors such as lane-splitting, increased vulnerability to road hazards, and cars making left-hand turns, among other factors, also present unique dangers for bikers.

Unfair Prejudice Against Bikers

Bikers are some of the safest drivers on the road and come from all backgrounds and in all ages. But unfair preconceptions, stereotypes, and myths about bikers being reckless or dangerous mean that injured bikers seeking to recover compensation may face police officers and jurors who are more inclined to blame them for accidents or find in favor of the defendant.

Call Bloom Legal Today to Discuss Your Injuries With a New Orleans Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

At Bloom Legal, we respect bikers, understand the challenges they face after a serious accident, and know how to overcome unfair prejudices to obtain compensation for their injuries. With fierce advocacy and unwavering commitment to our clients’ well-being, a New Orleans motorcycle accident lawyer at Bloom Legal will fight to get you what you deserve when you have been injured on your bike. Contact us today at 504-599-9997 or through our contact form to arrange for your free consultation to discuss the details of your claim.


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